We've Got Something For All Ages!

Kids Church is available at both our 9 & 11AM Service:
  • Pre-school Ages 3+ In The Lower Hall
  • Kindergarten - Grade 4 in the Lower Hall
  • Pre-teen Class off the balcony upstairs during the 11am service only.
Nursery is available after kids dismissal for your babies.

Grades 7-12 stay in service or come serve in with our kids ministry(see Pastor Shawna if you would like to help).
Email Pastor Shawna to volunteer.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not
hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14

At Gateway we believe in raising disciples right from the beginning of their journey. How are we going to do that??? We are going to help parents to be the spiritual leaders in their home by equipping them and encouraging them. We will give our kids experiences that encourage them to taste and see God at work all around them. We will develop their love for Jesus through teaching them scripture about their identity, future, and how to live life for God.


Here’s what to expect when you come to Gateway. We have screened and trained volunteers in all the areas of our kids ministry. Part of our PLAN to PROTECT program for children involves registering your child at our KIDS CHECK-IN area located adjacent the sanctuary.  As part of the registering process we will be able to identify allergies or health concerns that are an important part of caring for your children.


We have a bible based kids program for our preschool, elementary and preteen students with dynamic media, personal classroom teaching, fun crafts & games and a nutritious snack time. Our nursery provides and safe space for drop-off care so you can enjoy the service or come on in and help get your little one adjusted without missing the service (we have the service streaming in there). Children’s ministry begins part way into the service to give time for some family worship time together.


Our Kids Team is screened by the Dept of Justice with a Criminal Record Check, trained in policy and safety procedure with our Plan to Protect protocol. Coaching and mentoring for new team members helps a person interested in serving in ministry to children become ready to serve the families of Gateway. Applications are available by clicking this link or talking to Pastor Shawna.


Our camp is for elementary aged students. We take a week together during the summer and fill it with fun and adventure as we soak up God's Word and have a blast making new friends!

Seasonal Events

Family BBQ, Christmas Party, Easter Events. These events are designed to build community and to have fun together and are a great time to invite family and friends that don't normally attend church.

Parenting Resources

We are for Families and want to help by sending out helpful parenting resources. Let us know ho we can help resource your family!

Family Experiences

Throughout the year, we host a number of events that are for the whole family. We want our faith community healthy and thriving no matter what everyone's age are.

Contact Pastor Shawna

If you'd like to serve or have any questions, please shoot us an email below